Poletni tečaj Always look on the light side of life

Za nami je uspešno izveden že 15. zaporedni poletni tečaj, letos z naslovom “Always look on the light side of life”, katerega osrednja tema je bila svetloba, potekal pa je od 12. do 19. julija v Ljubljani. V enem tednu se je 24 študentov iz celotne Evrope, skupaj z dvema slovenskima študentoma, spoznalo z osnovnimi […]

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Summer course Always look on the light side of life

Behind us is 15th successful summer course which lasted from 12-19th July , this time named  “Always look on the light side of life” with the main academic topic of light. 24 students from all over Europe joined slovenian students and discovered basic concepts behind light, both the scientific side of it, its effects on […]

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Summer course Always look on the light side of life

Are you a student studying STEM? Do you want to learn about the properties of light, how electrical elements like LED diodes and Lasers work? Do you want to know how to properly plan lighting in a room or how to transfer data over optical fibers? Or you maybe want to know how animals produce […]

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Poletni tečaj Always look on the light side of life

Si študent/ka tehniške oziroma naravoslovne smeri? Si želite vedeti kakšne so lastnosti svetlobe, kako delujejo elektronski elementi kot so LED diode in laserji, načrtovati optimalno osvetlitev svoje hiše ali prenesti podatke preko optičnih povezav? Morda vas zanima kako živa bitja proizvajajo svetlobo preko kemičnih reakcij? Si ob vsem tem želite tudi obilico zabave, druženja s […]

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BEST dnevi tehnike in naravoslovja 2016

Za nami so še eni uspešno organizirani BEST dnevi tehnike in naravoslovja (BDTN). BDTN študentom omogočajo pridobivanje praktično uporabnega znanja, izkušenj in poznanstev, popestrijo dogajanje na univerzi in izboljšujejo povezanost študentov, podjetij in univerze. Na enajstem zaporednem BDTN-ju, ki je letos potekal med 12. in 18. decembrom, so se odvijala predavanja in delavnice o energetiki, urbanem rudarjenju, […]

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BEST Days of Technology and Natural science 2016

Behind us is another successfully organized event: BEST Days of Technology and Natural science (BDTN). BDTN allows students to gain practical knowledge, experience and contacts. On the last BDTN which happened from 12 to 18th December, and had lectures and workshops on energetics, urban mining, data science, shallow geothermal, public speaking, team dynamics, nuclear fusion, […]

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