BEST courses are organized by local BEST groups all over Europe. They are intended for students of science-related technologies to gain additional knowledge from a wide range of practical fields and topics. In doing so, participants get to know amazing people from all over Europe, acquire friends, explore new places, and have fun. Courses last from one to two weeks and are covered by a budget fee of around 30 €. If a student completes the course, he / she has the option of obtaining one credit point (ECTS) at his / her faculty *. All students of the University of Ljubljana with a valid status can apply for the course.
Of course, even in BEST Ljubljana – our local group – we organize a BEST course, which usually takes place in July. The organization of such an event is a unique experience with lots of teamwork and mutual agreements, communication and the ability to solve crisis situations fast and efficiently. New members who are interested towards experience in this field and those who are interested in the background organization of the courses are always welcome.
For the list of courses and more information, you can click the button below or write to our Vivaldi (the course coordinator) at vivaldi@bestljubljana.si.
* Recognition of credits obtained at courses varies according to individual faculty.
- Team Design,
- Case Study.
MacGyver is part of the international competition, called EBEC (European BEST Engineering Competition). The winning teams of each category have the option of qualifying for the regional competition.
The competition is an excellent opportunity for students as well as involved companies looking for new employees.

BEST Days of Technology and Natural science (BDTN) is an event where students of technology and science acquire new practically useful knowledge, get to know new people, expand their horizons and, of course, entertain themselves. Lectures and workshops are conducted by professors and assistants from various faculties who try to demonstrate their field of study with the most interesting and entertaining approach.
Motivational weekend is an internal event of the BEST Ljubljana, held twice per year for our members and students who want to join us. They are trained in practical skills required for demonstrating a unique point of view and ideas in a company, for example, soft skills, communication and conflict resolution. By attending motivational weekends new members can join our organization and team up with existing members.