This summer we organized an international BEST Course on the topic of genome editing, genetically modified organisms and biofuels. 22 students from all over Europe came to learn something new about this exciting topic in our beautiful capital of Ljubljana.

During the course, students were given both academic content as well as cultural enrichment through social activities.

Academic hours consisted of interesting lectures from professors of the University of Ljubljana and company visits of Institute of Microbiology and Immunology and Acies Bio. The last part was the case study on the topic of production of biofuels in collaboration with our partner Petrol. The participants were divided into groups and discussed about the solution of higher biofuel yield. The winning team proposed the genome engineering of thermophilic bacteria by adding some genes of mesophilic bacteria. 

Since our participants learned a lot during the course, we are providing you with the lecture notes so that you will also have this opportunity. Check them out here!

Social part of the course consisted of different get-to-know games, social activities and visits of Ljubljana’s tourist attractions.  The weekend was spent in a small village in Soča valley where we had some outdoor activities such as swimming in the river Idrijca, socializing by the picnic place, International Evening, and much more. 

It is hard to describe the experience that you get by attending a BEST Course. We really do recommend it to everyone. If you would like to travel and also learn something new next year, check this page.

Our course would not be possible without the sponsors; Petrol, Acies Bio, Bioseparations, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and Institute of Microbiology and Immunology. Each one of them contributed with financial support or/and sharing their knowledge to our participants. 

Our material sponsors were Proconi with instant meals Pogrej in pojej, Droga Kolinska with Cockta Original and Barcaffe Lattiato, E-študentski servis with pens and paper, Burek Olimpija with their trademark burek and Davidov hram with Jeruzalemčan wine for the proffessors. 

Special thank you also go to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering where we had lectures, and to Marjetica canteen, who prepared delicious lunches for the participants. 


Julija smo organizirali tradicionalni BEST tečaj na temo genskega inženiringa in gensko spremenjenih organizmov. Tematiko smo povezali s problematiko proizvodnje biogoriv. Tečaja se je udeležilo 22 motiviranih študentov iz celotne Evrope, ki so se prišli nekaj novega naučiti in spoznali lepote Slovenije.

Tečaj je bil sestavljen iz izobraževalnega in družabnega dela, saj je vključeval veliko druženja in spoznavanja novih ljudi.

Izobraževalni del tečaja so sestavljala predavanja profesorjev Univerze v Ljubljani in ogled poslovnih prostorov Inštituta za mikrobiologijo in imunologijo in podjetja Acies Bio. Pridobljeno znanje so udeleženci uporabili pri študiji primera na temo biogoriv, ki jo je zastavilo podjetje Petrol. V skupini so tako potekale diskusije o možnih pristopih k večjemu donosu biogoriv. Zmagovalna ekipa je delila svojo idejo genskega inženiringa termofilnih bakterij, ki bi jim dodali nekatere gene mezofilnih bakterij.

Udeleženci so se med tečajem veliko novega naučili. S priloženimi predstavitvami na tej povezavi to priložnost ponujamo tudi tebi.

Družabni del tečaja so sestavljale različne spoznavne igre in druge družabne aktivnosti, predstavili smo jim tudi turistične znamenitosti naše prelepe Ljubljane. 

Celotno doživetje na BEST poletnem tečaju težko podrobno opišemo. Izkušnjo priporočamo vsakomur, ki si želi novih doživetij. V primeru, da te kaj takega zanima, si več lahko pogledaš na tej spletni strani.

Poletni tečaj ne bi bil uspešen brez pomoči naših sponzorjev. Zahvaliti se moramo podjetjem Petrol, Acies Bio in Biaseparations, Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko in Inštitutu za mikrobiologijo in imunologijo. Vsi so pripomogli k izvedbi tečaja, nekateri med njimi pa tudi z vključevanjem v izobraževanje študentov. 

Veseli smo bili tudi materialne pomoči. Proconi nam je daroval vnaprej pripravljene obroke Pogrej in pojej, Droga Kolinska osvežilne napitke Cockta Original in Barcaffe Lattiato in E-študentski servis blokce in kemične svinčnike. K materialnim sponzorjem pa spadata tudi Burek Olimpija in Davidov hram z vinom Jeruzalemčanom, ki smo ga poklonili sodelujočim profesorjem. 

Velika zahvala gre tudi Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, kjer smo imeli predavanja, ter menzi Marjetica, ki je udeležencem pripravila okusno kosilo. 

