Summer Course: Change me baby one more time

This summer we organized an international BEST Course on the topic of genome editing, genetically modified organisms and biofuels. 22 students from all over Europe came to learn something new about this exciting topic in our beautiful capital of Ljubljana. During the course, students were given both academic content as well as cultural enrichment through […]

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The bears are not the only one who has woken up

Between 12. and 14. of April we gathered in the cabin in Skomarje near Zreče for BEST spring motivational weekend. We had training on Time management, Persuasion, Feedback and a workshop about using Gmail and Google drive. But the point of gatherings like that is fun and socializing, so older and newer members get to […]

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End of BDTN 2018

This year too we had another successfully organized BDTN, which has been held for the 13th consecutive year. The students had the opportunity to participate in eleven different activities, thus extending their horizons. You can see a brief summary of what was happening in the video below.

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Quickie Corner workshop – Python

QC (Quickie Corner) are free workshops and courses for further education of science and technology students. QCs lead students who have the knowledge and want to share it with others. This way, you will be able to learn the basics of programming, using programs such as Python, Photoshop, Solidworks, Illustrator, Excel, LaTeX and much more. […]

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Invitation to autumn motivational weekend

Are you are already sick of lectures and boring afternoons? Do you want to meet new people, have fun all day, learn something new and party? Then join our BEST motivational weekend! When: 9. – 11. 11. 2018 Transport will be organized from Ljubljana on Friday afternoon and back on Sunday afternoon. Where: Cottage in […]

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Summer Course – Technology, take the wheel!

Our last event, which we organized, was a summer course named Technology, take the wheel! and the topic was autonomous cars. From 11 to 18 July, 21 students from all over the Europe who, in addition to academic work, covered the basics of autonomy, computer vision, simulators, workshop about robot programming, moral dilemmas and the ethics of […]

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