Poletni tečaj Always look on the light side of life

Za nami je uspešno izveden že 15. zaporedni poletni tečaj, letos z naslovom “Always look on the light side of life”, katerega osrednja tema je bila svetloba, potekal pa je od 12. do 19. julija v Ljubljani. V enem tednu se je 24 študentov iz celotne Evrope, skupaj z dvema slovenskima študentoma, spoznalo z osnovnimi […]

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Summer course Always look on the light side of life

Behind us is 15th successful summer course which lasted from 12-19th July , this time named  “Always look on the light side of life” with the main academic topic of light. 24 students from all over Europe joined slovenian students and discovered basic concepts behind light, both the scientific side of it, its effects on […]

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