Summer Course – Technology, take the wheel!

Our last event, which we organized, was a summer course named Technology, take the wheel! and the topic was autonomous cars. From 11 to 18 July, 21 students from all over the Europe who, in addition to academic work, covered the basics of autonomy, computer vision, simulators, workshop about robot programming, moral dilemmas and the ethics of […]

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Poletni tečaj – Technology, take the wheel!

Naš zadnji dogodek, ki smo ga organizirali je bil poletni tečaj z naslovom Technology, take the wheel!, tema pa so bili avtonomni avtomobili. Od 11. do 18. julija se nam je pridružilo 21 študentov iz celotne Evrope, ki so si poleg akademskega dela, ki je zajemal osnove avtonomnosti, računalniškega vida, simulatorjev, delavnice programiranja samovozečih robotkov, moralnih dilem […]

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