The bears are not the only one who has woken up

Between 12. and 14. of April we gathered in the cabin in Skomarje near Zreče for BEST spring motivational weekend. We had training on Time management, Persuasion, Feedback and a workshop about using Gmail and Google drive. But the point of gatherings like that is fun and socializing, so older and newer members get to […]

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Niso se prebudili samo medvedi

Med 12. in 14. aprilom smo se zbrali v koči v Skomarjah nad Zrečami za pomladanski BEST motivacijski vikend. Imeli smo treninge na temo razporejanja časa (Time Management), dajanja povratnih informacij (Feedback), razumevanja drugih ljudi in kako jih prepričati (Persuasion) ter delavnico o uporabi Gmaila in Google driva. Bistvo motivacijskega vikenda pa je zabava in […]

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