GD SIM Slovenia 2019

To leto smo člani LBG Ljubljana organizirali Grants Department Short Intensive Meeting, ki je potekal v okolici Nove Gorice. Na dogodku so se zbrali člani Grants Department-a iz cele Evrope, ki so poleg lastnih sestankov našim članom predajali tudi svoje izkušnje in znanje o izboljševanju mehkih veščin in vodenju internacionalnega BEST-a.

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End of motivational weekend, General Assembly, beMORE

We gathered again at the last motivational weekend that took place at Šmartno na Pohorju. We trained our IT, project management and feedback skills. Follow our channels to join us next time.   Two delegates went to the General Assembly (GA) of the international BEST, which was held in Sofia. At the event, which lasted for […]

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